5 Ways Synthetic Grass for Dogs in Santa Cruz Protects Your Yard From Your Pets

How Synthetic Grass for Dogs Santa Cruz Protects Your Yard From Your Pets

You love your dog, but you don’t love it when Fido wreaks havoc on your lawn. Regardless of the breed, the size or the age of your dog, there’s a good chance that at some point in time he or she will dig up the lawn or create muddy patches on the grass. Pet-proof your yard the pet-friendly way by making it impervious to your pet’s antics with synthetic grass for dogs in Santa Cruz.

How Pets Can Wreck Your Yard

Dogs are messy and can tear up a yard in no time, especially if they like to use the bathroom outside. Here are some of the things that they do outside that can devastate your lawn:

  • Pee or poop on the turf
  • Trample or roll around the grass
  • Eat grass to induce vomiting if they feel sick
  • Dig up holes in the turf

How Synthetic Turf Pet-Proofs Your Yard

No More Dead Grass and Muddy Areas

Dog poop kills grass and can create muddy areas at the dog’s preferred bathroom site. In the worst-case scenario, this can become permanent due to the high concentration of feces on those spots.

Synthetic grass for dogs in Santa Cruz eliminates all these problems because it is non-absorbent — poop residue washes right off with water! Plus, it comes with an efficient drainage system, which drains quickly so there’s no chance of puddles remaining afterward.

No More Yellow Grass

Dog urine is a big problem for natural grass because the acidity of urine can kill the root systems of grass and can create permanent dead spots over time.

Since artificial grass is made from synthetic materials, it’s not impacted by pet urine in the same way that natural grass is. This means it won’t die, or turn yellow or brown from your dog’s excessive peeing.

Moreover, synthetic turf is permeable so your pet’s urine drains away instead of seeping into the soil below, which can cause unpleasant odor and disease.

No More Grass Eating

Dogs eat grass and can throw it up on the lawn after eating too much. Grass vomit leaves an unsightly stain on natural lawns, and you might even have to reseed or re-sod that area of your lawn to get rid of the stains left behind by dog vomit.

Artificial grass isn’t edible so your canines won’t be tempted to start chewing on it. It also doesn’t stain easily so you don’t need to worry about stains in your yard.

No More Stubborn Stains From Spills

If your dogs are messy eaters, it’s a good idea to feed them out in your yard. However, the same cannot be said for your yard. Food spills from your pet’s food bowl can leave sticky or stubborn stains on your lawn. They can also affect your soil’s properties and make it difficult to grow turf.

Taking care of spills on synthetic putting greens in Santa Cruz is easy because you can use soap and other cleaning solutions to wash them off. You can also use a soft-bristled brush to scrub off sticky residues without worries of damaging the turf.

No More Digging

Dogs love to dig holes — it’s a natural instinct. However, when they do this to real grass or soil, it can create a lot of damage.

If you install artificial grass, you don’t have to worry about your dog digging up holes in your yard. The synthetic turf is too dense and tough for dogs to tear apart with their claws or teeth. They can still dig if they want to, but won’t cause any damage.

Other Pet-Friendly Benefits of Artificial Grass for Dogs

  • Artificial turf protects paws from burns caused by hot concrete in the summer months.
  • Harmful bacteria or mold won’t grow in synthetic turf because it has antimicrobial properties.
  • Fleas, ticks and other bugs can’t live in artificial grass, which helps protect your dog from getting flea and tick infestations.
  • Dogs with arthritic joints or elderly pets will benefit from the soft, padded surface of synthetic grass, which is more comfortable than the real thing.
  • Infectious diseases like hookworm, roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm and canine parvovirus cannot spread through artificial grass.

Turn Your Yard Into the Perfect Space for Your Dogs With Pet Artificial Grass in Santa Cruz

Artificial grass is a great alternative to natural grass for dogs and owners alike. It’s easier to keep clean and maintain, which means more time for fun in the sun with your furry friends.

Ready to protect your yard from your dog’s antics? Santa Cruz Artificial Grass has everything you need to transform your outdoor space into a pet haven, from premium synthetic turf for dogs to expert installation services.

Consider the job done when you have our team on the job. Contact us online or call us now at 408-723-4954, and let’s get started on your project!

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