Why Does the Sun Kill Grass? Answers from Artificial Grass Services in Santa Cruz

Why Does the Sun Kill Grass

The sun is a big part of the California lifestyle. But the same sun that makes for perfect beach days, summer grill outs and tanning has a darker side.

It’s one of the worst grass killers, leading to brown spots, bare patches and withered grass all over the place. This is a major reason so many homeowners are turning to artificial grass services in Santa Cruz to renew their dead lawns.

Why does the sun kill grass in the first place?

How the Sun Kills Natural Lawns

Grass needs lots of sunshine to stay green and healthy. But when the sun beats down on sod for extended periods of time, especially during peak summer days, it dries out the soil.

This leaves the roots with no moisture and the blades of grass without nutrition. Browning, withering and dying soon follow, leading to crispy dead patches on the lawn.

Combine that with the regular wear and tear of Santa Cruz’s heavy foot traffic and you’ll begin to understand why it’s so difficult to maintain a natural lawn in this area.

California Drought and Your Lawn

Aside from our perpetually hot days, California is also a drought-stricken state. This means that many lawns are deprived of the regular rain showers that would normally help keep them hydrated.

Widespread water restrictions also make it difficult to irrigate your lawn, leaving it without the water it needs to survive.

For example, some areas have imposed fines on homeowners watering their lawn using potable water or leaving their sprinklers on for too long. There’s also the outrageously expensive water rate in the state, including Santa Cruz.

All these factors leave your grass thirsty and easily burnt by the sun, making it difficult to keep your lawn green for any significant length of time.

Artificial Grass to the Rescue in Santa Cruz CA

There are many reasons to choose artificial grass installation over traditional lawns:

  • For starters, it’s a great way to reduce your environmental impact.

    You won’t have to worry about wasting water every time you water your lawn, as artificial grass is a waterless grass option. It will also prevent runoff from your yard and allow you to reduce the number of chemicals being dumped into our lakes, ponds and rivers.

  • Artificial grass is also very low maintenance, which makes it ideal for homeowners who are short on time or know little about grass care.

    It doesn’t require weekly mowing, fertilizing or any of the usual lawn maintenance.

  • And it’s resistant to the elements. It can stand up to blistering sun, prolonged dry spells and flooding without losing its color or resilience.

    In fact, with the proper artificial grass installation, it can even be cooler to walk on than most lawn surfaces.

Ready to Get Rid of Your Natural Lawn?

Artificial grass services in Santa Cruz is one of the best ways to turn your yard into a low-maintenance, green and eco-friendly space.

A few days of work from the Santa Cruz Artificial Grass team equals years of stress-free enjoyment for you and your family.

Call us today – let’s chat about your needs and how we can help. It’s a FREE, no-obligation consultation so don’t worry about committing to a project if you’re not ready.

We can also install play grounds, dog runs, indoor synthetic turf, putting greens in Santa Cruz and more!

You can reach us through 408-723-4954 or by sending us a message today. Expect a reply shortly!

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